
A place for the seeker within !


Your inner quest is a project sprung from the desire to integrate a depth-oriented approach towards self-discovery, and transformation. We aim to provide tools, guidance, and exercises to support individuals in their personal growth.

 Core Principles: 

       1. Ethical Practice: we adhere to ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Ethics Code) as follows:

Beneficence and Non maleficence: we aim to do good and refrain from any harm.

 Fidelity and Responsibility : we establish relationships of trust and are aware of the professional and scientific responsibilities to society.

 Integrity: we promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness.

Justice: fairness and justice entitle all persons to access and benefit from the contributions of psychology.

Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity: we respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination.

       2. Confidentiality : we emphasize the importance of this ethical aspect within the practice, protecting the privacy of the clients. Any information shared by the client during therapy sessions, assessments, or other interactions will be kept confidential and disclosed only with the client’s explicit consent or in certain specific circumstances outlined by ethical guidelines and laws.

       3. Holistic Health: we consider mental health within the context of the whole person, considering the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. We include resources on holistic well-being, including mindfulness practices, dream analysis, and somatic techniques.

       4. Authenticity and Depth: we believe it is important to understand the deeper layers of our being in order to truly transform and heal our inner being. We do this by working with the unconscious mind and paying close attention to the complexities of human experience.

       5. Self-Exploration and Individuation: Your Inner Quest focuses on the journey of self-discovery and individuation, which is the process of becoming the most authentic and integrated version of oneself.

      6.Dynamism : our being is seen as a continuous interaction between opposite forces that we should aim to understand such as  consciousness/ unconscious, masculine/feminine, yin/yang, good/evil, light/shadow, etc.

      7. Understanding Symbolism: we use symbols, archetypes, and mythology as tools for understanding the human psyche.

      8. Respect for Diversity: we acknowledge the diversity of human experience and respect each individual’s unique background, beliefs, and identity.

      9. Continual Learning and Growth:  we aim to encourage ongoing learning and exploration, by fostering a community of  seekers, offering opportunities for discussion, education, and  transformation.

“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it ourselves, after a journey that no one can take for us, or spare us.”

Marcel Proust

Iulia Silvia Stefan Psychologist

 My Quest


Hi! I’m Iulia Stefan, a psychologist, personal development coach, and writer.

I have a deep passion for working with people and a lifelong curiosity about the inner workings of the mind, both my own and others. My interests extend to social sciences, creativity, art, mythology, spirituality, and religion, all of which inform my holistic approach to personal growth and healing. I also practice yoga and mindfulness, and have studied the profound effects these practices can have on the psyche.

For me, the inner journey is a challenging yet deeply rewarding path that helps us awaken our inner hero and connect with the most authentic parts of ourselves. It doesn’t make us perfect or invincible, but it gives us something far more valuable: adaptability, creativity, genuine love, true strength, vulnerability, and the ability to connect meaningfully with ourselves and others.

Each of us has a heart eager to speak, but often we’ve forgotten how to listen. Our inner journey is about reconnecting with that voice, learning to listen, and tuning ourselves to its wisdom. My own journey has taught me the invaluable role of the therapeutic relationship in guiding and securing our path.

In our work together, we can explore a wide range of topics, including authenticity, life purpose, goal setting, life balance, crisis management, relationships, divorce, addiction, and the exploration of the unconscious—such as defense mechanisms, repressed thoughts and feelings, integrating inner conflicts, dream analysis, symbolism, and more.


If you believe we would be a good fit to work together, or if you have any other inquiries, please fill out this form, and we will get back to you shortly.

You can also view our pricing details here.

coaching, therapy for digital nomads, blog about mental health, life purpose, psychology of dreams, psychology and alchemy, psychology and life


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Explore; reflect; transform; You Inner quest
Explore; reflect; transform; You Inner quest
Explore; reflect; transform; You Inner quest
Explore; reflect; transform; You Inner quest